Black Men Fashion Trends


Since Black men are often associated with crime, and as such are sometimes viewed as the “undesired minority,” their fashion trends often tend to follow the path of hidden, the renegade. The early 2021’s witnessed many interesting instances of fashion that bucking the norm when it came to men of color wearing popular fashion fashions, most notable being the popular trend of urban street wear. Urban clothing encompasses a range of clothing styles ranging from baggy jeans and sweat pants to oversized tees and hoodies. This new look mixed with bright, bold, and distinct color schemes really seemed to encapsulate the spirit of the younger generation going against the grain, with edgier cuts, less conventionally styled clothing, and an unshakable sense of self-confidence.

A close look at the history of men’s fashion trends in this country will show you that there have been times when this country specifically black men have bucked the trend, especially when it came to athletic clothing for the “street life.” During the late sixties, the popular “Afro” style became immensely popular among black men who wanted to make a statement about their cultural identity and attitude. However, by the end of the seventies and the eighties, the Afro had largely been displaced by the more conservative “ean” style. Urban clothing styles during that period focused on edgier fabrics and even included shoes featuring non-traditional laces. However, over time the “Afro” had fallen out of favor as more men began to dress casually, emphasizing their willingness to fit in with the mainstream culture.

Today, the trends for black men do still follow some of those earlier fashions seen in the past. Most black men still prefer simple, yet stylish clothing. Urban clothing styles still focus on bright colors, and a general freedom from overly complex designs. This is likely a result of the fact that more black men feel they can better control their appearance than before.
